Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Boyfriends & Cuddling

    So a couple months ago I went on a hike with my sister and best friend. We stole our mother's car while she was out of town and did things we weren't proud of. All in preparation for homecoming that was that following weekend. Needless to say, we were flyin' like paper and gettin' high like planes.

Anyways, we got in deep with our folks when they came back, but luckily I was still able to figure out Homecoming at the last second and had literally one of the greatest nights of my life.

YEAH. My group was just dynamite. We pretty much turned every head at the dance. All of us were having the time of our lives and didn't care who saw, as long as we were all sore for a good two days (which we most definitely were) nothing else mattered. But unfortunately the date did eventually end, and the dream of being completely paid for and served to was over. And that's when I started to think.. I could use a boyfriend.

Especially for the incoming fall weather, having someone to cuddle with and talk to for hours sounded only logical this time of the year. And so my quest began. But don't get me wrong, I know what's realistic and what's fantasy, I mean I wasn't asking for Zayn,

or Harry,
or Louis.

Although, I wouldn't mind.

No, but seriously. Just someone who would think the world of me, even if I was wearing a weird flannel shirt and no makeup on. I honestly only had a few qualities that I felt were a must, but even then I could be flexible. I being far from perfect myself, didn't expect some gracious god from beyond the veil to come galloping horse back into my life, just when I wanted it most. But yet, it almost feels like that's exactly what happened. And don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking for a "fling" but not exactly a "full time bf/gf relationship". I just wanted some one to like, that liked me back, and maybe some occasional cuddling. But seriously, on an incredibly serious note, I couldn't thank my Heavenly Father more for the chain of events that happened next.

I'm sitting in this boy's basement (same boy from " unspoken secrets & boy's sweaters") and he's telling me a story about when he made a fort with a friend and this couch had a wolf spider crawled up in the cracks and crevices of it.
          SIDE NOTE: I'm almost 100% sure that I have arachnephobia. Literally just the mention of a spider  has the potential to send me into a panic attack. It's seriously the worst thing of my life. Anyways, back to the story.

At the mention of this creepy crawler I lose it.. literally. I pace the room trying to brush off potential mental tarantellas crawling all over my body and can seem to only mutter grunts of frustration and the occasional "ew". This boy however in the midst of laughing is trying to calm me down and get me to sit back on the couch that we were on. But I being the hopeless terrified female that I pathetically am, cannot seem to contain myself for my life. He then takes matters into his own hands, and long story short, ends up holding my hand and hugging me with his other arm as I attempt to control my breathing. "It's okay," and "I won't let them get you." are the only things I'm hearing as he starts to get more and more comfortable with me in his arms. Eventually I'm calm, and then it just turns into a full on cuddle session, where he's still holding my hand laying next to me. Our time together progresses and next thing I know, I'm resting my head on his shoulder under his chin while gripping his arm, and his hand is stroking mine as we turn into each other. I honestly can't give you the complete details because it all was just so incredibly natural and wonderful all I could focus on was how good it felt to be held so softly and have him so close to me.. After a few moments of this amazing bliss, his phone buzzes as he receives a text from his sister asking him to pick her up. We both read the message together, and just look at each other sadly because it means we'll have to move. But you see, we couldn't. It was some sort of trance that comes with finding another person who fits next to your body so perfectly that never makes you want to leave their side. And yet, we both knew we had too. So with a humorous tone that I seem to so graciously place in anything I say I turn to him and go," I can't breathe, I'm literally smuggling myself in you. " Luckily I struck gold with this kid, and when ever I make a stupid comment like this he just laughs and confirms to me that I AM actually funny, and I'M NOT and idiot, and that he DOES want to spend time with me.

Needless to say he makes me ecstatic, I only know a very few number of boys if any that can take a terrifying thing like a spider panic attack and turn it into the most beautiful, fantastic cuddle session on this earth. And more than once might I add did this happen, and the fact that I had to pee the whole time didn't even faze me, cause if it meant leaving this kid, I'd let my bladder full on explode. Like jumping off a cliff and not caring if you die cause you just cuddled. That's  how great it was.

Honestly, I think this might be real guys. I think we might have something special here. I think it's so heart breaking to leave the warmth from his body when we're together. I think I'm really feeling something for this kid. I think I have a boyfriend.

Which is kind of a big deal, for me.

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