Sunday, December 28, 2014

sometime in september

I had a terrible dream about my dad the other night.
I don't even want to write it out because it was so terrible and I want to forget it as soon as possible. But anyways, this dream happened, then I went to Salt Lake to buy a bass guitar and hang with some friends and pick up a laptop, and suddenly that night I get a text from my dad.
I'm not close to him, not in the slightest.
I don't really want to be to be honest.
We're just too different.
Or maybe too similar.
Anyways I don't like being with him for too long.
But getting back to the story, he texts me that night and tells me that he's coming back into town.

And now I'm panicking.
I'm sitting in my friends basement apartment trying to do my homework, and obviously not doing it effectively because now we're watching a movie that I've never really liked.
It gives me anxiety, all of it.
One things leads to the next, someone gets eaten, someone misses a train, someone pays for something they can't have.
I don't know how to follow things anymore.
It feels like every time I'm starting to figure something out, someone throws me a curve ball.

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