Saturday, September 29, 2012


    I fairly new at this and honestly a little scared. My best friend has a blog and would often show me some of her posts, from what I gathered it served as an electrical journal if you will, where you could post pictures, videos anything of real significance that people could read, blah, blah, blah. Whether it was entirely public or private, I wasn't completely sure, but still here I am writing my first post because quite frankly I'm incredibly bored/ secretly always wanted one.  Obviously I'm a little late for the "I have my own blog" trend because it seems that a substantial amount of my friend group has had a blog for quite some time. Which is not surprising in the least, I will admit I'm rather slow on the trending scale but nonetheless, here I am. And so begins my online journey of deep thoughts and secret feeling that I'm too scared to share with real people; so why not post them on the worldwide web? Amirite? Here we go.

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