Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I haven't written on this in almost over a year.
So much has happened.
I got engaged.
I got married.
I moved to Texas.
I'm trying to get pregnant.

In many ways I feel like my life has become so simple, and for that I'm so incredibly grateful for.
There's a man sleeping in the other room.
His head gets sweaty when he's tired.
He likes to steal my red baseball cap even though he has a perfectly good blue one.
He leaves his clothes in the middle of the closet when he changes into pajamas.

My husband is sleeping in the other room.
We have extremely different sleep schedules.
We don't eat breakfast.
We exercise intentionally once a month.
We would rather spend our last hundred dollars on dinner and a movie over getting groceries.

Sometimes when he's gone at work, I'll go hours without speaking a word.
My mind will wander about random things.
In a way I'm grateful for these hours of silence.
A few weeks ago though, I thought I would go crazy.
I had gone a week without stepping foot outside our 700 square foot apartment.
But I got over it.

Eventually I'll get a job, socialize, etc.
But right now, more than anything I want to take advantage of my time with him.
I know it's probably naive, but I don't want to waste a minute I don't have to.
To be home, every time he walks through the door is something I'm grateful for.
Long hot showers together serve as an escape, from his work, and my silence.

I can't believe this is my life now.
It's so easy to wake up, and fall asleep, laughing.
I'm falling in love again everyday.
And it's the greatest feeling in the world.
To be honest, to be vulnerable.
And to be loved.